in this society that we have, we, in most cases than not, always conforms with the norms... sometimes the right that is being dictated by the society no longer is parallel to what is in webster's... we try as hard as we can to conform with these norms so we can be named righteous, to the point of being hypocritical.
most of us gays, again im not saying all, but most us thinks we are individualist, that we are different from the rest, the sad truth is, we all conforms to what is being didctated as the right thing to do... and that makes us all the same... we may have different expressions, or the way we speak, but looking at the big picture we all follow the same set of rules...
another example of conforming with the norms, the term BISEXUALS and GAYS. who really is bisexual and who really is gay?? most of us preffers to be named as bisexual, why? because its more nice to be called as such, because bisexuals are diferrent from being gay? because bisexuals are more accepted than gays?i dont really think so! I myself once wanted to be called bisexual rather than being called as gay... but at one point it made me think, what's really the difference...
some guys wanted to be called bisexuals, but if you would take a closer look, they are so desperately looking for hook ups in Bi-manila or guys4men... which i doubt if they would ever find someone from the opposite sex! guys who would always choose to log-in a gay infested chatroom rather than logging in a straight crowd. if they are so horny and if they really are who they say they are, then a girl or a guy wouldn't make any difference, because at the end of the day, it all comes down to one point, having to share the same bed... come friday or saturday night, you will see them strutting thier stuffs in the likes of Bed or Government, again another club for gay people...
I have encountered someone from the chatroom, he said he's bisexual and has a girlfriend but is desperately looking for a hook-up in Bi-Manila?!? if you really are what you are and if you really have a girlfriend... why would you still look for a guy whom can satisfy your lust... if your girl doesnt satisfy you in bed anymore and you are in dire need of someone from the same sex, then maybe its time to rethink your prefference and start accepting the fact that you are "GAY"!!!
i dont think we can ever escape from conforming with the norms that this society has dictated us, well atleast not in the near future, but somehow knowing what you want, doing what you want, and not what others want for you makes the difference...