Revolutionary Road

I have recently watched "Revolutionary Road" and I still can't get over the fact that Leonardo DiCaprio was not nominated for an Oscar, I am not very sure if it was due to technicalities that the movie didn't receive any nominations from the academy this year. Almost every year, Leo makes a great movie with great performance and depth, he's really showing depth in his acting and still no acting nominations from The Academy.

I must admit that I have always loved Leo ever since, way back "Marvin's Room" to "Romeo and Juliet" to "Catch Me If You Can" to "Body of Lies" and of course who could ever forget "Titanic".

Kate always give good performances in portraying each character she have had, and she had 6 best actress nomination, the 6th being her first golden statue. She even won Best Actress (Revelutionary Road) and Best Supporting Actress (The Reader) in 2009's Gloden Globe Awards.

For me, Leo's performance in Revolutionary Road was outstanding, it was simply great and heartfelt, he became Frank Wheeler. Probably, for me the best part was that of the day before Kate Winslet tried to abort thier baby herself. The scene where they were having an arguement when Kate told Leo that she doesn't love him, that she actually hates him. Leo was astounding, you could see in him the shock, the love, the hurt and all other mixed emotions he has. You can't help but feel for him in that scene.

Every movie he makes, he gave extra-ordinary performance, and almost all the time, he was snubbed of a nomination from the academy. Come to think of it, when was the last time he got nominated in Oscar's?

To quote one line from April Wheeler, "no one forgets the TRUTH, everyone just gets better in lying"