my everyday!

I am now officially.... an OFW!

I started working March 4th, which is a Thursday and Friday I'm off again, hahaha! Saturday, the 6th I worked and also Sunday, but Monday, March 8th, my off again!

Tuesday till tomorrow which is the 12th of March, been working from 10AM-9PM average, It was not that bad, I was actually enjoying it, I love it more when there are more customers than there are none, it's so tiring to think of things to do! I like it better when I'm moving around, when I need to rush because there are customers waiting for you... I like the adrenalin rush!

The difficulty I'm really facing now is the Language Barrier, I mean, It's really hard to understand to understand singlish, I need to read between the lines most of the time. Colleagues on the other hand are quite nice, they seem friendly and helpful. Although I have yet to meet other peeps. but so far so good! And I am just so glad I made this life changing decision! So worth it!